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Personality Development Games: Find out What Your Personality Traits say about You?

Are you unable to make your presence felt despite your best efforts?

Are you unable to display your true potential?

What do you think is stopping you?

The answer to these challenges usually lies in the term Personality Development.

Yup! It’s hard for people to accept when told that a course in personality development is what they need to gain confidence and demonstrate their real potential.

Therefore, we’ve devised a quick Personality Development Quiz as a means of “self-discovery”, to check weather a course in personality development or soft skills training is what you need to build your self-confidence. link to blog-Building the Brand Called You)

This Personality Development Quiz has been devised as a means to reflect upon your existing personality traits.

The Results that follow the personality development quiz, will enable you to know the strengths and shortcomings of your personality and shall recommend the ways and means to bring about desirable changes in your personality.

Take your Free Personality Development Quiz here –

Check your appearance

How does your skin look ?
  • A – Healthy and Fresh
  • B – Dull and Lifeless
How does your hair look?
  • A – Well Groomed
  • B – Shabby or Unkempt

Analyze your attire

Are you clothes in accordance with your professional image?
  • A – Yes, I make an effort to look presentable at work.
  • B – No, I don’t concentrate on what I’m wearing. My work speaks for me.

Evaluate your body language

Examine your standing posture
  • A – Do you stand with shoulders squared and body weight evenly balanced between both feet?
  • B – Do you stand with rounded shoulders and a squashed ribcage with your neck dropping down?
Examine your Walk
  • A – Do you walk without slouching, with your shoulders squared and chin parallel to the floor?
  • B – Do you slouch while walking, keeping your head down?
Examine your Gestures
  • A – Do you use open hand gestures while exchanging ideas?
  • B – Do you keep your hands in pocket or behind your back while exchanging ideas?
Examine your Eye Contact
  • A – Do you make eye contact while talking to people?
  • B – Do you avoid eye contact while talking to someone?
Examine your Handshake
  • A – Do you have a comfortable grip while shaking hands?
  • B – Do you have a powerful or a limp grip while shaking hands?

Observe your verbal communication

Examine how you speak
  • A – Do you speak clearly, at an appropriate pace & in the correct tone
  • B – Do you speak either too softly or in a harsh tone most of the time?
Examine your interpersonal skills
  • A – Do you chat comfortably with people in a gathering?
  • B – Do you find it difficult to chat in a gathering?
Examine your etiquette
  • A – Do you feel uncomfortable dining in a fine dine restaurant?
  • B – Do you eat comfortably in a fine dine restaurant?

The Results

If your answers to most of the questions were
A’s, then the impression you are leaving on people is that of a confident person, who seems to be trustworthy, professional & approachable.

If your answers to most of the questions were
B’s, then the impression you are leaving on people is that of an under-confident person, who seems unprofessional and unreliable.

At this stage, it is important to remember that the personality traits which reflected in your results have got developed over the years, depending upon the circumstances and environment that surrounds you.

Your personality traits will define the status or respect that people give you in personal or professional spheres.

Therefore, it is imperative to imbibe those traits in your personality that leave a positive impression on people.

MENTORICA Institute of Soft Skills offers a unique approach to help you discover the ignored aspects of your personality. We provide the right guidance that helps you refine your personality traits in a way that will aid you in gaining confidence and grow both personally and professionally.

The Online Soft Skills courses and the Soft Skills Training Programs at the MENTORICA Institute of Soft Skills follow a systematic learning path to better your communication skills, self-presentation skills, social and business etiquette to help build your self-confidence and better your personal image.

If you wish to take personality development training / soft skills training, you may join our group classes or start training from the comfort of your own home by logging into our e-learning portal MENTORICA Online Soft Skills Training

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